

Find your Global Partners for Global Innovation


Silicon Valley Ventures provides strategic advisory service for startups, corporations, VCs, CVCs, and finding your strategic partners in Japan, and around the world.


1. Business Consulting : Japan Market Entry

– Make your Japanese pitch deck, brochures

– Make your website and application in Japanese  

– Finding your partners, employees, customers

– Promotion, Media support

– Business advices


2. Lecture & Workshops on Entrepreneurship & Innovation 

Examples of talks:

-Silicon Valley way of entrepreneurship and innovation

-Startup Ecosystems in Silicon Valley, Israel, India, etc

-8 Startup Ecosystems in Japan 


3. Pitch training in English and Japanese




DeepTech, Medical device, Digital health, Pharmaceutical, Drone, EC, AI, SaaS, Travel, and so on


We have a large network and wide range of business partners in Japan and around the world including :

– Corporations

– Law firm

– Innovation/ Science parks

– Universities

– Accelerators

– Hospitals

– Banks

– Venture Capital Firms

– Angel investors

– Media (TV, online news, newspapers, etc)

– Offices / Co-working spaces     and more.


Please contact us.

We would like to collaborate with you on ‘innovations for a healthier life’.