

John Kojiro Moriwaka
Founder & CEO of Silicon Valley Ventures

John Kojiro Moriwaka (森若 幸次郎) is a recognized Japanese entrepreneur, columnist, visiting professor, public speaker, rapper (Gifted), and painter (Mutant). He is an advisor to startups and global companies, venture capital firms, and a mentor in many accelerators. He is a renowned expert speaker on global entrepreneurship and startup ecosystems.

CEO of Silicon Valley Ventures
Silicon Valley Ventures supports fast-growing startups in Japan and abroad, as well as large corporations, venture capital firms, CVCs, financial institutions, accelerators, universities, and governments.

Japan Market Entry Support:
1) Localization of Marketing Materials
2) Branding Strategy for SNS and Media
3) Marketing: Promoting your services
4) Partnership: Introduction to business partners and employees
5) Investment: Introduction to investors

Advisor of Venture Capitals:
Advisor of Arka Venture Labs (VC: Silicon Valley, India)
Advisor of CV VC (VC: Blockchain, Switzerland, Africa)
Venture Partner of BE Health Ventures (VC: MedTech, Taiwan)
Venture Partner of Mendoza Ventures (VC: AI, Cyber Security, Fintech, US)

Ambassador of Japan Fintech Festival
Ambassador of World Venture Forum
Judge at Unicorn Pitches

Director of Startup Grind Tokyo, Nagoya, and Fukuoka
Startup Grind is a global startup community designed to educate, inspire, and connect approximately 5M entrepreneurs in 600 cities and 125 countries.

Executive Vice President & CIO of Moriwaka Medical (established in 1972), which sells and repairs medical devices in Japan. Marketing Research, PoC for entering the Japan Market.

Official Columnist of Forbes Japan: Inside the Innovation Ecosystem


● Founder & CEO of Silicon Valley Ventures

● Executive Vice President & CIO Moriwaka Medical (Medical device innovation, sales, repair, development, PoC for Japan Market Entry)

Director of Startup Grind Tokyo

Director of Startup Grind Nagoya

● Director of Startup Grind Fukuoka

Advisor of CV VC

Venture Partner of BE Health Ventures

● Visiting Professor of Myanmar Institute of Business 

● Ambassador of Startup World Cup

● Mentor of Alchemist Accelerator (No.1 B2B accelerator in Silicon Valley) 

● Mentor of 500 Global

● Mentor of German Accelerator

● Mentor of BE Accelerator

● Mentor of E-Cell (The Entrepreneurship Cell of IIT Bombay (E-Cell) in India) 

● Mentor of Startup Boot Camp Scale Osaka (Global accelerator) 

● Mentor of Keihanna Research Complex (the largest science park in Kansai region)

● Member of US-Japan MedTech Frontiers (Medical Device Innovation collaboration between Japan and Silicon Valley)

● Advisor of Japan Israel Chamber of Commerce (JICC)

● Visiting Researcher of Kyushu Institute of Technology

● Partner of Bind (blockchain and IT software development in Estonia)

● Columnist of Forbes Japan (the inside of Innovation Ecosystem in Silicon Valley, Israel, India, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Nordic countries, Singapore, Australia, Taiwan, Myanmar, Malaysia, Canada, etc)

● Columnist of Resona Bank (Innovation Philosophy and Innovation Forest : interview entrepreneurs, VCs, educators, etc)

● Columnist of Dream Gate (how to make ‘global startup’)